Romans Chapter 14

God Bless you all. I am continuing with my “possible literals of Romans” Below is chapter 14. I hope that it blesses you. Keep in mind when you read this, that it is not really meant to be an actual translation of Romans 14. But a representation in verse form of my notes and thoughtsContinue reading “Romans Chapter 14”

Romans 14 Part III

In the last two postings regarding Romans 14 we have seen what Paul taught regarding the differences of opinion that were present in Rome regarding the eating and/or not eating of various foods and the keeping of various Holidays. One of the first things that we need to recall is that some of the meatContinue reading “Romans 14 Part III”

Romans 14 – Part II

In my last posting we looked at the first four verses of Romans 14. We talked about the reasons why some felt they could not eat meat and we saw that whether a person believed they could eat meat which may have been offered to false gods or not, we were to receive in fellowshipContinue reading “Romans 14 – Part II”