Love, Peace and Thanksgiving

You could define Colossians 3 as a list of those things which a Christian should apply to their lives to walk as a Christian. Certainly there are a large number of actions and traits listed there and Colossians 3:14 and 15 is not the end of the list. It is however the portion of theContinue reading “Love, Peace and Thanksgiving”

Saul and the Spread of the Gospel

During the early days of the church the movement of the Gospel of Christ appears to have been confined to the city of Jerusalem and its surrounding area. I would like to ask you just how a small sect of the Jewish community that had made Jesus Christ their Lord manage to grow from aContinue reading “Saul and the Spread of the Gospel”

What Are You Looking At?

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.Hebrews 12:2 KJV This passage has often raised a question in my mind. I have always wanted toContinue reading “What Are You Looking At?”

Disobedience, The Original Sin?

Throughout the history of Christianity people have talked about “The Original Sin.” Opinions about it have run the gamut of thoughts and ideas. All of them tend to start in the same place with the fall of Adam and Eve recorded in the beginning of Genesis three. I must admit that I’ve heard a lotContinue reading “Disobedience, The Original Sin?”

Romans Chapter 16

God bless you and thank you for hanging in through my work on all 16 chapter of Romans. For me has been an exciting adventure in learning and unlearning. All of these verses have been nothing more than my notes in a verse form. I have learned a lot while going through this study. IContinue reading “Romans Chapter 16”

Romans Chapter 14

God Bless you all. I am continuing with my “possible literals of Romans” Below is chapter 14. I hope that it blesses you. Keep in mind when you read this, that it is not really meant to be an actual translation of Romans 14. But a representation in verse form of my notes and thoughtsContinue reading “Romans Chapter 14”

Romans Chapter 13

God bless you all. Here are my notes in verse form for Romans Chapter 13. I hope it teaches and informs you and encourages you to walk with God. As always, my studies are a work in progress. I am always open to learning more and/or being corrected in my understanding. Rom 13:1 — LetContinue reading “Romans Chapter 13”

Romans Chapter 12

I present you my notes on Romans Chapter 12. I learned a lot while working this section through. I hope that it blesses you, or at least causes you to stop and think about the verses for a while. As always, if you disagree, or would like like to comment or discuss please free doContinue reading “Romans Chapter 12”

Romans Chapter 11

It as been quite a while since I posted my “Possible Expanded Literal” notes on Romans. This was not because I stopped working on the series, but because I felt that God wanted to work on the series “Thou Shalt Surely Die.” Today I return to posting my study notes in verse form for RomansContinue reading “Romans Chapter 11”